Friday, August 30, 2013

End of Summer 2013 and School Starts

I can't believe that September is here and that I haven't finished recapping our fun summer of 2013. We have had a fabulous one and I was so very thankful to get to spend it with my little ones and the "new" pool!! We had a day with a sweet cousin that we don't see near enough. Lilly and Anna had so much fun together. Anna taught Lilly all kinds of fun things in the water. We can't wait to see her again. We love you, Anna Pullen! 

My little chubs....he is so cute, even if he is fine. This little boy is HARD TO HANDLE! He loves being outside, but wants to be out there every second!!
Our children's ministry from church had an afternoon outing to Pirate's Adventure in Oxford. That is a neat and fun place. It is alot like Chuck-E-Cheese. Of course, Lilly spotted the pink and blue dolphin in the prize case, oh about 5 minutes after we got there. It took 250 tickets and there was know that she or I would be able to accomplish that feat. So, I told her to go get Carson and tell him that she wanted it. He was so sweet to her and worked until he won enough tickets. He even used the ones that he already won. She was ecstatic. Precious memories with Lilly and the older kiddos!
Our July was full of some MSU functions. I was part of the Tate County Alumni Association that put together the Summer Social and Freshman Send-Off Party. Our guest speaker was Dr. Roy Ruby and I could not have been more excited and honored to have him as our guest. What classic bulldog he is and how blessed I am to have been under his leadership while I was at MSU.

My sweet Morgan! She is attending MSU in the fall and attended the send-off party.
We also had the honor to be a part of the ceremony that named the MSU Central Mississippi Research and Extension Office after my Uncle Butch Withers. What a prestigious honor this is and what a deserving recipient. It was a beautiful day full of family and our extended Bulldog family.

Our summer coming to a close meant our sissy girl was moving to MSU. We did all we could to spend as much time as we could with her. We had fun watching a movie and doing a little shopping one day before she moved to Starkville!
I feel like school started this year way tooooooo early! I was not ready, but "ready or not" I have a little girl in 4k at Magnolia Heights School and she couldn't be happier about it.
I love seeing her with her backpack on!
Maddux and Jake will be her bodyguards forever....she loves them and they love her!
Sweet friends, Rebecca and Caroline
sniff sniff....I shed a few tears on this day....move in day at MSU. My sweet Betsy....I sure am going to miss her. It makes me happy that she is loving it so much. I know God has great plans for my girl!
Lilly, Sissy and the Grill. We are eating all together before the 3 of us leave her in Starkville.
I am "takin it back" all the way to 1995 and enjoying a little Phi Mu bid Betsy had hard decision, but she chose to sister up with the Kappa Delta girls. That is okay...she will love it anywhere. I was thankful that sweet Mixon loved the Phi Mu ladies...Caroline is going to take such great care of her and so thankful that she and I got so close this summer.
My Senatobia Phi Mu Ladies....they did so good this week. I am so proud of them and for all that they do for MSU and Phi Mu. Delaney and Liza work you both. See you at the ballgames!
My sweet boy eating a little Nutella and enjoying himself. #whateverittakes
Oh goodness me....this is how we roll every second that we are at home. She is a dress up queen.
It was August....first week of school and it was beautiful outside with a temperature of 75 degrees. We spent a great afternoon at the park. Lilly was so sweet to Walt and loved the fact that this was his first time at the park. She was showing him the ropes....she LOVES being a big sister.
Well, our summer was amazing and once again I hear to say that God's time is perfect. I have known that the entire time, but the past 8 months have caused me feel every emotion possible, and make me trust Him in ways that I have never had to, before. Brian and I were to the point of saying that God was clearly showing us that He wanted me at home. After swallowing hard and realizing that our lives were going to have to tighten up, a great deal, I was okay with that. We decided to wait until September before making any decisions about closing down the job hunt. I still have interviewing for 2 different jobs....I happy to report that I GOT THE JOB!!! YAY!!! I am working at NWCCC....a huge blessing and answer to prayer. Everyone wants to work at the college and the holidays, hours and being IN TOWN is HUGE. I have never worked in town before. I don't know what to do with myself! I truly thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts. God always has the plan and the TIMING...I struggle more with the timing than anything, but it is PERFECT....To God be the GLORY!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Withers Gone Wild 2013, Bye-Bye Tonsils, Outings with Friends and Fishing

I am trying my best to play catch much has happened this summer that I must document! This is my family "scrapbook" so, I am trying to stay in order of events!    
The weekend of July 4th we celebrated our annual Withers Gone Wild vacation, but this year we had a "staycation". Mom and Dad put in a pool at their new home. This is the first year for it to be opened, so we decided to use it as our vacation spot. It was a great staycation! Lots of quality time in the pool with the family. 
Lilly and LaLa had fun using their goggles....diving for rings.

Walt, Aunt My and Lilly doing a little night swimming!
Lilly has been wanting to go fishing ever since Parker and Sidney bought her a fishing pole and tackle box. Her daddy thought the perfect time would be on our staycation at Beaver Dam. She said that she liked it, but that life jacket was really hot!!
It's BAAAACK!! Kathryn's! Oh the memories that I have from that restaurant. The good food, company, crazy late Saturday afternoons just getting off the lake. I was so happy to be able to eat here.
"Walt man" loved feeding his daddy his food.
My sweet babies....watching the fireworks on the 4th of the July from the golf course.
As soon as the Withers Gone Wild staycation ended on Sunday ..... Lilly had to have her tonsils out on Tuesday. We really didn't know quite what to expect. We had been told all kinds of things, but I was nervous...for sure. Abbey and Alden Climer spent the night with us the night before. They braided Lilly's hair, so all we really had to do was scoop her up and put her in the car. The girls kept Walt while we were at the surgery center.
Lilly did PERFECT during surgery and after....this is her in the wheelchair ready to come home.
I told everyone that the surgery was a breeze, but the recovery was awful!! She woke up on Day 3 screaming at the top of her lungs....her ears were hurting. They continued to hurt for the next 7 days. She was taking 1 teaspoon of pain medicine every 4 hours. It was not a fun week!
Sweet friends came over to keep her company and watch movies with her... Aubrey Claire is always such a big help and Lilly loves having her visit.
We are THRILLED that sweet Adelaide moved into the neighborhood. She is in Lilly's class and they are such sweet friends. Adelaide brought Lilly a picture that she colored and she stayed to watch a movie.
We couldn't have made it with our side kick, Anna Lauren. She brought Lilly soft tacos from Taco Bell and they were a hit. I was so happy that Lilly finally ate something.
Whew....we are finally feeling better, so we took an outing to the Children's Museum. It was great fun. Lilly had a blast and I had to pry her away from the bank and the grocery store. Those were her two favorite places.
She has done all of her shopping and is now checking out.
Lucy went with us and they had a blast together. Lucy has already moved away, to Greenwood, and we are so sad. Every time we pass her house, Lilly says, "I do NOT like GREENWOOD!" It makes sad.
While Lilly was recovering from her tonsil surgery, Walt got to spend some quality time with PopPop and Grandma Shirley. He LOVES his PopPop and they adore him, too!
My little linebacker ready for a swim!
This is my sweet boy at his Mamie and Boo's house! He just woke up from his nap and was super excited to be getting to eat an ice cream sandwich.
LuLu took Lilly shopping when she was feeling better. I went, too and was so excited when LuLu was going to by here a cute outfit from Special Daze!! Lilly wanted "clothes" she said. WELLLLLL, everything that LuLu picked out Lilly did NOT like...would have anything to do with it. Soooooo, the nightgown and the crown are what we ended up with...and then her words were "I am not really going to use this for a night gown! It will be so pretty when I wear it tomorrow!!" MY CHILD and HER STYLE!!

Sissy and Clayton had promised Lilly they would take her to see a movie or fishing. Lilly chose fishing. Anderson was visiting us, so he got to go, too!!! Lilly loved fishing with her worm.
She says she likes fishing on the bank, not the boat!!
Clayton, Anderson, Lilly and!! 

What a wonderful summer we are is winding down, with just a few more things to post! I can't believe how fast it has gone! How blessed we are to have shared so many fun times with each other and made so many wonderful memories.