Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Daddy Goes Hunting = Mama and Lilly Play Hard

Right now I am speaking to all you wives that are "hunter widows". Do any of you out there feel that way? I am feeling the pains of it this year, for sure. I am QUITE sure that Brian has hunted more this year than the 5 years that we have been together. I am happy for him. I know that it is something that he loves to do, and he also does it with my brother, so I want them to spend time together! I love that, but when Brian calls and says, "Honey, do we have plans tomorrow afternoon?" I respond with, "Well, we talked about going to Paige and Carter's house, but why?" He comes back with, "Aw, that's right. Your brother wanted to me to go hunting with him and he is going to let me shoot the big deer!"

Do you understand where I am going with this story? If I say I really wish that you wouldn't, then I have made two of the 3 most important men in my life mad! If you know me AT ALL, then you know that there are two things that I don't like and that is making people upset with me and not getting my way, HA HA HA!!

It is almost over and I must say that I have enjoyed some time alone. Let me rephrase that, time alone with my little girl. We have done some fun things. Like go on some day trips, shop more than usual, and I have broken the big fat rule and have let my baby girl sleep in the bed with me when Daddy has been away...shhh! Don't tell him!

While our men were out looking for the prized deer, Aunt LaLa came to visit and we went fabric shopping. LaLa and I love us some fabric! We had a great time and also found the exact material we needed.

While Daddy was in the woods, Lilly and I took a trip to Starkville to see a dear family friend, Paisley Jackson. Her family took me in while I was in college and I babysat for them. Paisley was just little girl when I started keeping her and now she is ENGAGED! How happy I am for her and her family. She called me Monday night and I started thinking of when I could get there to give her the biggest hug, see that ring and hear all the details. Lilly and I went to see her Sunday. We met her for lunch and then we had a great visit. Lilly fell in love with her puppy, Cash. As you can see, she moved into Cash's kennel and DID NOT want to leave it. That Lilly loves a puppy.

Lilly loved Paisley and she had so much fun visiting with her. Can't you tell?!!
At lunch, Paisley gave Lilly a present. It was the cutest little purse with this PRECIOUS shirt in it. I read it and almost cried. Lilly was all into the purse, repeating over and over, "my purse, my purse". Lilly is going to be a flower girl. I am so happy and can't wait. How special Paisley, her mom, dad and brother are to me. I could not have made it without them during my "glory days" at MSU.

I am really excited about her being a flower girl, but some of you might wonder how she is going to perform after looking at this picture!!

I guess we better get to practicing! It looks like we have our work cut out for us!

1 comment:

ambersmith said...

I am sure Lilly will do a wonderful job! My niece Riley Kate is the same age as Lilly and is going to be our flower girl. We are also interested in what she is going to do. I am sure both girls will add some sparkle to the big day! :) Miss you my friend! Don't forget to save the date May 21!