Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Birthday Boys!

It is so very hard to believe, but Anderson turned 1 this past week and we celebrated with him on Saturday. It just amazes me how these little ones change in ONE year. He is no exception, this little man is running all over the place and getting into everything! Below is the fabulous centerpiece for the table. A cute 1 year old smash cake and then cupcakes for his guests!

Here is little Anderson....this picture was taken while he was still in the hospital!

Here is the BIRTHDAY BOY....WOW....what a difference a year makes!

Getting ready for the song and the eating of the cake!

"Let me see what this stuff is all about!"

Lilly's good buddy, Ward, was at the party, too. They love each other so much and were partners in crime as they kept Ashley and me on our toes.....going out and then back in! This picture summarizes there day together!

I don't know why, but this picture would not rotate. Lilly eating her BLUE cupcake.

Me: "Come on, Lilly, let's go get a cupcake."

Lilly: "O tay, Mama, I want PINK!"

Me: "Well, they don't have pink ones here, just blue, white or brown."

Lilly: "No, PINK!" O tay....ummmm.....BLUE!"

THANK GOODNESS she was fine with that! I am telling you, at the beginning of that conversation, I thought it could go either way!

Don't be confused, we are still at Anderson's party, and yes, you do see Lilly in MoMo's lap unwrapping HIS presents! We held Lilly back and forced Anderson in her lap for as long as we could, and then we just had to let it go....Lilly with MoMo, opeing Anderson's presents and Anderson playing all over the place!

Brian had a birthday on Monday! Lilly wore her birthday dress all over town on Monday and each time someone commented on it, she would point to the cake on it and say, "Daddy's cake!". At one point during the day I heard her singing, "Happy Birthday, to Dadddddy", over and over again...too cute! I just love this picture of her looking at the candles and the cake! Kids do love birthdays...for themselves and others! I think it's so sweet!

Daddy and Lilly!

Lilly enjoying her cake and ice cream at Mamie and Boo's house. She is using her big girl spoon and doing such a great job!

We are blessed to be able to celebrate the lives of such wonderful people....Anderson and Brian....I think that it's great that we celebrate them so close together since Anderson is Brian's Godson! GOD IS GREAT and LIFE IS GOOD!

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