"Shake It Up" was this year's theme for VBS. The children learned to carry out God's recipes for life and they had a blast doing it! Each day had a color and a "secret ingredient" to learn. I was in the story room and had my work cut out for me.....they were not your traditional stories that you hear year after year, so I had some studying to do myself. WE DID IT, though! It was a fun-filled week, for sure! Thanks to Emily and all who worked at making VBS GREAT at FUMC!

Lilly and Maggie at opening ceremonies. It was RED DAY and this was as good as I could get it for red....we are pink girls! That red bow was sufficient!

I could not get a close up one, but I just love this picture of all the little ones singing, especially Lilly clapping her hands while she sits with Mrs. Brenda....she does love her!

As you can already see, Maggie was a life saver in the 2 and 3 year old room. Her mama was in charge, but called on her services often. Sweet little Jack Price is getting Maggie's love on this day!

There is Jacob....as Lilly is calling him these days! I had to wear a chef hat all week long and he LOVED it. Sometimes that was the only way we could get him to leave his mama and come sing with us, if Whitty promised to put on her funny hat!

Chef Whitty and Lilly after opening ceremonies on the last day of VBS! We were both very tired girls!

On Friday, we left at noon and then returned to the church at 6 for a Family Fun Night. The children performed their songs and then enjoyed pizza, watermelon and water slides! The little ones loves being at the front and dancing!

Lilly and Denni Grace after the performance wanting to be on the stage.

Maggie and Lilly made it to the top of the slide!

And Lilly LOVED it....she was ready to do it again!

Maggie and Lilly enjoying some watermelon at Family Fun Night!

Paige feeding Will Prince some watermelon..........

he is loving it....I could just squeeze those cheeks off. He is sooooo cute!

still loving this watermelon......

Lilly and Denni Grace being silly little girls. These two had a blast together this week. We are so happy to have this sweet family at our church. They have been with us since August, but DG is a year older, so she and Lilly have just now connected. You know, little ones have a way of catching up to you. Lilly loves Denni Grace and we are so thankful to have new friends!

A tiring, but wonderful week it was. I still am amazed at how much Lilly is learning by being in church at 2 years old. It is just so incredible wonderful. How thankful Brian and I are to all the fabulous people we have in our life that help us teach Lilly about God and Jesus and their love for her. We both know that we could not do this alone.
I encourage you, if you are reading this and desire for your children to grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and are not part of a church family, to plug into one! God never told you that He wanted you to do this alone, in fact the opposite is true. We are all here to encourage one another, and how thankful I am for that!
By His Grace Alone,
Sara Whitten, Brian and Lilly
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