Sunday, July 10, 2011

Student Life Camp 2011

I was given the awesome privilege of chaperoning the youth trip with my church to Student Life Camp. I was very hesitant about going, and the youth were so amazing, because they BEGGED me to go. I don't know why they like my crazy self, but they do and I am so glad, because I love them and they make me feel so ALIVE! God took great care of my family while I was away, and He met me right where I was and I needed His extra TLC that He poured on me this week.

The theme of the camp was DEVOTED

The definition for devoted is being very loving or loyal; to give all or a large part of one's time or resources to. Our theme verse was:

Deuteronomy 6:5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all of your strength.

The picture below was where we worshiped each morning and evening. It was amazing. Our speaker was Ed Newton and he is from Memphis, TN. You can read more about Ed, here. He was fantastic. One quote that he said that has stuck with me is this:

"What you do and what you say REALLY does matter". He is so right, it does...if not for anything else, for His kingdom. Nothing is more important than winning souls for Christ and that starts with your actions and words. We can't do any of that unless we are DEVOTED!

Starting out on our journey...we left at 4:30a.m. Olivia, Avery and Lizzie rode with me and Geri! Our girls, one night, at worship. They are amazing. I have to say that God is busy working in each one of these lives in so pretty powerful ways. My prayer is that they will be sensitive to that leading and be ready for the awesome things He has in store for them. What jewels each one of them are! Each day we had RECREATION for 2 hours. Our very first day at camp was water day...the object of each game was to just get SOAKED. The object of one game was to get your Family Group Leader soaked....they accomplished it! The next day was TEAM BUILDING day during Rec time...Coach Carter and Colten, not sure those two are very equally matched! The adults...Susan, Geri, Carter and Whit...we are missing Josh in this picture, but he kinda is in between youth and adult...hahaha! Posted on the big screen all throughout the day....

Oliver, Josh and Carter...being CRAZY at dinner!

Sweet pretty faces of Elizabeth and those girls!

How awesome...Anna Beth and Robert...just like brother and sister!

Todd Agnew...our PHENOMENAL worship leader!

Praising JESUS!

Oh Praise the Lord, our mighty Warrior, oh praise the Lord, our Glorious One. By His hands we stand in victory, By His name we overcome!

Praising Him some more....

My sweet Lizzie.....

Crazy picture of the group!

Our most amazing group of young kids. I love them and was blessed beyond measure by each one of them this past week! To GOD be the GLORY for the great things that He has done!

So, I ask you? To what are you devoted? When people see you, do they immediately think, "I wish that I could be more like him/her?"

I can honestly say this, "When my time on this earth is through, I don't want people to wonder if I knew my Maker. I want them to say that I lived because I KNEW my MAKER!"

By His Grace Alone,

Sara Whit

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