Can you tell from Lilly's shirt the BIG NEWS.....that's right! We are going to have baby! We are all very excited about this news and feel very blessed that God has chosen to make this so easy for us. My heart goes out to my handful of friends that I have been trying for YEARS to have a baby and can't....this has been a humbling experience for me. And even as I type this I am JOYFUL, because it is 2am and I have a SEVERE cold...my head is about to explode, I can't breathe and when I try to sleep I feel like I am dying because I can't get any air...Being that NYQUIL is my drug of choice and that is out of the question, I am catching up on Bible Study and Blogging!
Yes! God is GOOD.....ALL the time!

Lilly was picked up by her PopPop and Grandma Shirley from preschool on Wednesday and they took her to Tupelo to spend the rest of the week. Brian and I got there on Friday night and stayed the weekend. Aunt Jamie and Uncle Bret flew in from Maryland, so we had a great visit with them!
Uncle Bret, Daddy, PopPop and Lilly watching a little football!

Aunt Jamie and Lilly and her baby doll!

Aunt Jamie, Uncle Brett, Lilly and Tammy (the dog) and YES....Lilly was pitching quite the fit. She was acting very attached to me and not wanting to get her picture taken! DRAMA...all the time!

We left PopPop's house and met our friends Kellye and Chet and their little girl, Kendall, for a quick lunch! The girls had a great time playing with each other. It was fun telling them the news of our new addition, too!

Silly girls....friends forever!

We left Tupelo and headed to the Collierville to the Withers Family Reunion. It is always so fun seeing all of my aunts, uncles and cousins. This side of the family is so loving and full of life. They accept you for who you are and love you unconditionally! Great qualities! I love them, too and am thankful they are family! Here is Lilly with her cousin McKinnon! She loved that there were "big" girls to play with and had so much fun with them!

We told everyone our news on this day and Lilly got to practice being a big sister with this little guy that was there! Aunt LaLa and Lilly had so much fun loving on him!

Anna Margaret, McKinnon, Lilly and Shelly
WHEW....that was a busy few days! We enjoyed all being home together on Labor Day and are having a great 4 day work week!
We are Blessed!
Love to all,
The Atwoods
Congrats to you! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! What a coincidence that we are pregnant together AGAIN!!!! When are you due? I'm due March 26, but will have a scheduled section mid-March. So happy for y'all!!!
Congrats! How exciting!
Just found your blog through Marla's read along. Congratulations on your great news!!!! Sure hope that cold clears up soon.
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