Dori had a little procedure done last week, just to make sure we don't have lots of little "Dori's" running around, and so she was down and out. Lilly took this VERY seriously. She did not want to be far from her and was a good little nurse.....for the most part!

Uncle Tom is a Fireman, so when he told us that it was Kid's day at the Firehouse, we HAD to go. Lilly had a great time. I am not really sure that she knew just a whole lot about firetrucks when we got there, but now EVERY time we see one....she says, "there is a firetruck, I rode on two." They took the kids for a ride and let them crawl all up in the firetrucks. Lilly counted the firetrucks and she knows that she rode on two of she will tell you...."I rode on just two...not all dhem". I just love her conversations and stories!

Lilly just getting warmed up to the firetrucks and Fireman Tom.....

Lilly and Aunt LaLa

Lilly kept asking about her friend, Ann Parker, so I went to get her so she could play on the firetrucks, too. She lives right next door to LaLa and Tom and she and Lilly go to the same preschool. They were so excited to see each other and had so much fun!

Brian, Lilly and Ann Parker....about to take a ride!

And they are off......

More pics to come of our weekend in Strarkville! Check back REAL soon!
Love to All,
Sara Whitten
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