Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Engagments, MSU Football and Thanksgiving 2017

The Fall has been beautiful and fun....we were able to get some wonderful pictures in the cotton fields this year. My two live wires had a blast in the wide open spaces. 
Our two favorite gals got engaged this fall, which means we are going to have a busy next year celebrating these amazing people in our life!! Sidney and Hunter got engaged and she picked Lilly and Aubrey up from school and asked them to be flower girls in the wedding. Of course, Lilly is ecstatic and can't wait! 

 Thank you Sidney for loving us enough to include us on your extra special day! We love you and are so happy for you and Hunter! 
 Our best girl, Betsy Battle, known as Sissy to my kiddos has some big news to share, too! She wanted to tell Lilly in person, so I took Lilly to her house and Bets sat her down. She said, "Lilly, I have something to tell you!" Lilly said, "You got a job!" :) :) After we all got done laughing, Sissy told her that Clayton asked her to marry him. Lilly had no words, she just hugged Betsy so tight. It was the sweetest. 
 I can't believe that my sweet Battle baby is old enough to be getting married. It seems like just yesterday that she was riding her little bike up and down her long drive way and I was watching her. 
 I sure do love this girl of mine....more than she will ever know! 
 I couldn't have found a better match for my Bets if I picked him out myself. Clayton is wonderful and is everything Betsy needs and more. I am so very happy for them. God is good and He has answered my prayer! 
 Clayton brings lots of wrestling and laughter to my children when he is around. 
 He sometimes forgets that he is the adult, but they love him so much! What a fun and happy night! 
 My sister, Myra, and I at the MSU/Alabama game! What a game! The Bulldogs lost in the last seconds! It was sad, but amazing!
 Myra and Stephen at his first MSU game. He told me that the stadium was electric and such a great atmosphere. I love hearing that from an outsider!! It makes my heart so happy! 
 Our fave player, Donald Gray, has been hurt. Walt has really been down in the dumps about him not playing, being in the dawg walk or able to see him after the game. He made a care for him and we sent it to him via the MSU Athletic office. He got it and told me that it made his day! We are sure going to miss Donald! He will forever be Walt's first player to love! 
 Thanksgiving Day in the Junction! We had all the fixins' and all of the people. It was such a wonderful day, until about 7:00pm when Nick suffered a broken foot. We went on to lose the game by 3 points...Dan Mullen left the next day for Florida, taking half our coaching staff with him..but in typical Bulldog fashion, we are standing strong and going to be okay!!! 
 Always a great day when my best friends are at the game! 
 Love and miss my MoMo!! 
 Lilly and MoMo taking selfies together 
 Walt and Evan loving every minute of being together at the tent! 
 Precious boys at the Dawg Walk
 Lilly and Gilley, having fun at the bounce houses! 
 The Nettles and the Atwood Familes...best friends all because of MSU! 
 Walt man with his new #6 jersey! He has been wanting a #6 for a year now and he finally got it!! He is so proud. He opened it up and said, "Donald!!! I got his number!!" 
 Lilly being silly at the Egg Bowl! It wasn't the outcome that we were hoping for, but we will be better and stronger because of it!! Hail State! It was a great 2017 season! 
 Feasting with my main man at MHS was so much fun! 
 Here's to the start of a wonderful Holiday Season! 
It's the most wonderful time of the year! 

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