Thursday, June 21, 2018

5k Zoo, Easter, Walt is 6

April Showers bring May Flowers...but also lots of busyness for the Atwood crew. Walt's 5k class went to the Memphis Zoo. This was my last field trip to go on with Mini-Mag...I can't believe it's coming to a close. The time has flown by. It was just yesterday he was starting 3k. We had a great time with his friends. 

Walt and Fisher 
Walt and Cole 
Our crew that walked the Memphis Zoo together 
Walt, Fisher and Aiden decided they needed the stroller instead of Aiden's baby sister! 
I sure do love these boys...full of so much stuff that boys are made of!! :) 
Reid, Hunter, Walt, Fisher and Aiden 
It has pretty much rained the entire month of April so our Easter Egg hunt was inside the gym. The kids had a great time, anyway. Walt, Fisher and Jackson smiled big for me. 
Sweet Mia and Walt man
The Magnolia Heights Fine Arts Department put on the most Fabulous play, The Little Mermaid. Our very own Shelby Beshears was a star. It was so amazing and I am so proud of Jodie and the cast. 
Lily Fletcher and Lilly had a great time watching the play 
Our friend Carly went with us and they wanted pics with Ursala's little creatures. 
Sweet Haley Carpenter was Flounder...she was a GREAT one! 
We went for a nature walk one random Sunday...Lilly is always making me laugh with how much she doesn't mind dirt, bugs, the outside. She LOVES it. She had such a great time finding all kinds of things. 
Falling in the mud doesn't phase her one bit....she never complained or cried. She was perfectly fine with being wet the rest of the way. 
We finally got a free weekend and we visited our friends, the Lucka's. Emma Kate came home with us and they had a great time! 
Bringing a new friend to church is always so much fun. 
And just like that my baby boy is 6!!! 
It doesn't seem real, but he is so excited. This child was born grown. Brian doesn't understand why I want to lay down with him at night or why I sometimes carry him when he can easily's because he RARELY lets me do any of that. He has been so "tough" since he entered this world. I love my Walt man and can't wait to see what the future holds for this little baller I have on my hands. 
Walt's friends in his class celebrating with him at lunch! 
He loved having a baseball cake and celebrating at Sky Zone. 
Yep....when I asked Walt who he wanted to come to his party, he had two 12 year olds on the list. How sweet they are to come!! I have figured out that any kid will go if a trip to sky zone is involved. They all LOVE it. Thank you, Will and Grisham for loving my guy so much. 

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