Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lilly Whit and an Engagement Party

My new camera is working GREAT...I really like it and am still working out all the kinks. Here are two of my little monkey, at one of her favorite times of the day....after bath in nothing but her diaper (and some shoes, of course! These were new so she felt the need to wear them). The only thing that she likes better is being without a diaper. It's a REAL fight every night to get her diaper on that bare bottom and then her PJ's. She is a MESS.....she is growing so much every day. Her new thing is counting to ten! She can REALLY do it...I am AMAZED! Of course I think that she is the smartest baby ever, and I am also secretly hoping that since she learned to count to ten at such an early age we might have Daddy's math skills and NOT Mama's! She does leave out "6" a lot when she is counting...that worries me! Oh well! Maybe I will figure out how to post a video of that soon!

Lilly making her funny face....thanks Kate Ross!
What a lovely couple.....that lovely couple is Rebekah Gannaway and Walker Suddoth and they are getting married in June! Lilly is the flower girl and we are so excited about the big event! I started keeping Rebekah and her 2 younger sisters when she was just a little thing and then my sister took their family is very special to us! My parents helped host their engagement party for them and it was a fabulous evening! Best wishes to both of you and we are looking forward to the next few months.

My daddy, welcoming all of the guests. I love this picture, because I love listening to my daddy talk in front of people! He is so great at it...also the proud father of the bride is shown beaming to the side and then the preacher that we all grew up with is standing encouraging Dad, getting ready to bless the food. Such a traditional, delta party, at its best!
The dessert table, looking oh so divine. We had a talented group of ladies hosting this one!

Good looking group of men, enjoying themselves in our living room. Our living room is only used at parties, such as these, so I always like to see people enjoying it. This house belonged to my Grandmother and although she has been gone almost 15 years, it looks the EXACT same. That is a whole other story for a different day....Richie, Ricky, Joe, Bill and Brian enjoying the spirits.
Kitty, Cathy, Jimmie and Charles having a good visit at the party!

And for my last pic, I thought I would leave you with my child's newest love----shoes. Not only do we love shoes, we also love to line them up all in a row. This shoe store was not the same after we left! Libby and I tried to put them all back in their correct spots, but I don't think that we succeeded. She likes to take your shoes, pair them up and then go set them in a spot of her choosing. She will move the shoes to different spots all throughout the day. They usually don't stay in the same spot for more than 2 or 3 minutes. She also holds them in a pair and is very meticulous about it. I have also looked for days for a certain pair only find them stuck in a crazy place! It is really so fun to watch. I am seeing more and more of my fanaticness in her everyday....GREAT! Keep the prayers coming for her, PLEASE! HAHA!

Love to all,
Sara Whit

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